Tuesday, February 2, 2010

cancer screenings

cancer prevention.
a very common google search. Most women know how to do a self breast exam, and everyone knows when you turn 50 its time for a colonoscopy. Most people know to watch for moles that change shape, size or color in watching for skin cancer. There is news and information out there to help us recognize lots of different kinds of cancer. But how many of us know how to do a self check for oral cancer? a self check for oral cancer, much like a self breast exam or skin check, doesn't require any special equipment and is easy to do. Dr. Parkin does an oral cancer screening for all our adult patients during once a year exams, but I am going to teach you how to a self exam.

1) press along the sides and front of your neck and feel for any tenderness or lumps. Do the same on your face. Normally, your face and neck are symmetrical, so notice any bumps or swelling.

2) pull your upper lip up and look for any sores and/or color changes on your lips and gums. Repeat this on your lower lip.

3)use your fingers to pull out your cheek and look for any color changes such as red, white, or blue--oops, just kidding. red, white or DARK patches. Put your index finger on the inside and your thumb on the outside of your cheeks to feel for any lumps. Repeat on the other cheek.

4) tilt your head back and open your mouth wide to see if there are any lumps or color changes.

5) Grab your tongue with a cotton gauze and examine for any swellings or color changes. Look at the top back and side of your tongue.

6)look at the underside of your tongue and the floor of your mouth (touching the roof of your mouth with your tongue during this will allow you the best view) See if there are any color changes or lumps. Using one finger on the outside feel for any unusual bumps, swelling or tenderness.

It's that simple! Doing it once a month will allow you to notice anything that is changing. Of course if you do notice anything abnormal call your dentist!

I do have a website with pictures of all the steps, if you are a visual learner. check it out at


come visit next week....I have exciting news!!
love, your dental assistant :)