Friday, October 2, 2009

Royal Flush

Good Morning all my lovely blog readers. Happy October!
I love to think about inventions. I like to think about things that I could invent. Things that I should invent. Things that I wish I had invented. While thinking about things I wish I had invented it led me to those Scrubbing Bubble Toilet Wands.
You can switch out the brushes on the end and toss them because they collect so much bacteria that you don't even want to clean your toilet with the same one twice. Those were a great invention! I am guessing that you keep that great invention right next to your toilet, that flushes numerous times a day. Now how close to that toilet are you keeping your toothbrush? Every time that toilet flushes bacteria (and who knows what else!) is being thrown into the air and possibly and probably landing on your toothbrush. All together now....EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!
Now we have all heard that you are supposed to change your toothbrush every three months, and that you should also change your toothbrush after you have a cold or flu, but what about all the bacteria that accumulates in between those times. What to do, what to do!
Well There is a toothbrush sanitizer that is perfect for those in between times!
All together now....YAY!
The toothbrush sanitizer is from Violight and can sanitize up to 4 toothbrushes at once in 6 minutes. There is also a travel size you can take on vacation with you. To sanitize it uses germicidal ultraviolet light to physically destroy the DNA of the offending microorganisms.
here is a link to check it out.
Does anyone have one of these? Have you used one in the past? Comment and share what you think about it!

1 comment:

  1. I thought Violight was just for viewing Psychodelic Rock Posters. Who knew it was creating a bacteria holocaust. "Ve know ver you are hidink little germbugs."
