Cute video right?
But what does it have to do with dentistry? Well I am getting there...Do you ever get cold sores? Wouldn't you love if I could tell you how to get rid of them quickly? Sure you would, but I know what you are thinking. Advice from a dental office...might be expensive. Nope! I will tell you how you can speed up healing time for a dollar! Go to the dollar store. Pick a laser pen---the same one that these 2 pups are chasing! (See I told you I would get to the video) come home and shine the laser pen right on the cold sore for 30 seconds. No more, no less, and most of the time it will be gone in 2 days. I know what you are thinking...this can't possibly work, so I will give you some facts and stats--check them out yourself!
The Effect Of Low Level Red Laser Light on the Healing of Oral Ulcers. Article by Ellis Neiburger, DDS.
This article investigates the difference in healing times of oral ulcers (mouth sores) between using a laser light for 30 seconds and waiting for the ulcer to heal on its own. Results pointed to 88% of painful mouth (or lip) sores (aphthous stomatitis, herpes, and those caused by traumatic know, you are super stressed out about a delayed flight, or you bite your lip, or you accidentally nail yourself with a dorito) healed to comfortable levels within 2 days versus untreated lesions taking 5 to 10 days for similar results. The laser light that was used in this particular study was a generic penlight laser purchased at a local dollar store for one dollar. The laser spot was 3 mm in diameter and most of the lesions treated were 1-3 mm in diameter. Over 90% of patients reported to pain-free after one day of laser treatment, whereas the control group who just let the sore heal on its own, 90% reported some pain for at least 5 days. The report did say that 30 seconds is the optimal time, and that longer exposure time seems to retard healing time. The author says that low level laser treatment has been known for many years, but is not publicized or promoted.
If a prospective firm wanted to market a "commercial low level laser" the price would have to reflect all the testing and insurance and regulations and could not compete with the equivalent product at dollar store prices.
So now you, all my readers, are privy to this very inexpensive treatment that has been known to work for 20 years, but kept under wraps for profit reasons!
When you try this let all the readers know how it worked for you! I can't wait to hear your stories!